Month: November 2014
The Three Musketeers Influence
The Three Musketeers is the quintessential adventure. It has everything: action, intrigue, love, loss, daring, nobility, peasants, warfare. It is absolutely jam packed with brilliance.
I can’t think of a better example of a coming of age story either. And D’Artagnan… there is no better example for kids to emulate (not the fighting necessarily, but), he plans a little and then takes action and so do his musketeer friends, each confident in their ability to achieve a beneficial outcome.
One of the initial thoughts for The Assassin’s Cradle was: what if D’Artagnan’s interview with Cardinal Richelieu in A Message from the Cardinal had happened at the beginning of the novel? Another was: what if Cardinal Richelieu had employed D’Artagnan the way Cardinal Mazarin did later (in Twenty Years After)?
Now you know two character influences: D’Artagnan contributed to my thoughts for Idries and Cardinal Richelieu for Over-Minister Hadremoff.
Pasadena Host Lions
I would like to thank everyone at the Pasadena Host Lions for welcoming and supporting me for my first speaking engagement.
My gratitude goes to Robert Curtiss for inviting me to speak in front of the Lions.
Thanks to everyone for your questions and enthusiasm, it was an honor and a pleasure.
First Professional Review
I would like to thank Rebecca Ross at for a fantastic review of The Assassin’s Cradle.
See it here:
First Draft Finished!
I completed the first draft for The Assassin’s Escape November 1st, and will be taking some time “off” before editing and immersing myself in the second draft.
Other than fortifying my tan (heading out for a bikini wax soon), I will be working on marketing The Assassin’s Cradle, planning The Assassin III (title to be selected… sometime soon, this means war!), and writing more content for (be sure to stop by and see the latest). I might get in a bit of reading, might look for some new music, will hike the trails in the hills and swing a racket on the courts around Los Angeles (tennis courts – lawyers, plaintiffs, defendants, jurors, and judges need not worry – unless you don’t get the lob over my head).
Be Well!