
Assassin’s Escape – Update

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The Assassin’s Escape is nearing publication. I have submitted the files for review and will soon be ordering the proof to do the final check before publication.

I am incredibly excited about getting my second novel out to readers.

Assassin’s Escape – The Cover

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Many thanks to Christian Hecker of Tigaer-Design.com for spectacular cover art!

The Assassin's Escape Cover
The Assassin’s Escape Cover

Assassin Updates

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The Assassin’s Escape is currently being proofread. I’m looking forward to the feedback from the proofreaders.

Meanwhile, I’ve been working on The Assassin III. I’m withholding the actual title because it would be a bit of a spoiler for the ending of Escape. The planning is completed as are eight chapters of the first draft.

I can’t give you too many details because III kicks off shortly after Escape ends, but it’s already been fun getting things started. A combination of new and old characters makes for interesting interactions and new agendas. The foundation has been established and it’s time to stir up the still waters.

News – February 2015

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The Assassin’s Escape temporary cover and blurb:



It’s been three years since events on Ganoten sent Darla to the remote planet Kierason. Devastated by her lover’s disappearance and his implication in her father’s assassination, she buried herself in government duties. August General Holliwell orders Darla to actively pursue social relationships, especially the romantic kind, and Darla reluctantly complies. Before she can get back on her feet, a mysterious figure from the past turns her world upside down, sending her on a perilous journey that could be the end of life as she knows it.

The sequel to the action-packed Assassin’s Cradle, The Assassin’s Escape explores the personal and political consequences of Konoliner’s fall from Ganoten and introduces the sinister mystery that will change the lives of everyone in the Tonatium Region. Don’t miss the thrills and chills of the Assassin’s Escape.

The Assassin’s Book III planning progressing to the next level of detail.

Escape Draft Complete !!!

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I am excited to announce that I’ve finished The Assassin’s Escape draft.

I’ll create a temporary cover and blurb and send it out to my proffreaders.

I’m really excited about how it has evolved through the draft process. At about half the length of Cradle, there were about half as many surprises, and I think the readers will enjoy them as much as I did.

When revising Cradle, I made the biggest changes between the 1st and 2nd drafts. After that, changes were incremental. When revising Escape, I was making substantive changes with each pass, and each one improved the story significantly.

Escape Second Draft Complete!

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I am extremely excited to announce that I’ve finished the second draft of the Assassin’s Escape.

I cleaned up some clunky passages, added a couple chapters, bolstered one of the ongoing conspiracies, and beefed up the drama and tension of the ending.

I’m not certain yet whether I’ll take a step back before breaking out the wax and polishing up the prose. But at the finish, I was (and currently am) deeply immersed in the action that had just concluded, and I’m really excited about getting the rest of the story as polished as the new and re-written chapters are.

It was definitely more fun the second time around.

Be well.

The Gift that Keeps on Giving!

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Just created an outline for chapters 1 and 2 for The Assassin III (III stays until Escape has been published – the current title would constitute a bit of a spoiler).

I’d like to say, “Enough! Get back to work on The Assassin’s Escape’s 2nd draft!” but I’ve got to strike while the iron’s hot.

Merry New Year

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Welcome to 2015!!!

I’m glad you all could make it.

In the event you’re wondering about the post’s title, it’s a quote I have always enjoyed from the Eddie Murphy film Trading Places.

On the Plate:

I’m working on the second draft of The Assassin’s Escape the sequel to The Assassin’s Cradle.

What is Rupert working on?

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This is an easy question for my first blog post.

The answer is: I am currently working on the first draft of the sequel to The Assassin’s Cradle.

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